
26 nov 2013

Merry Christmas!

Creo que sin lugar a dudas la época grande del scrapbooking es la Navidad, incluso para quién no hace cosas navideñas, porque seguro que hace álbumes, agendas, y otras cosas para regalar.
A las que sí hacemos cosas de Navidad nos supone lo anterior y tarjetas, decoraciones, diarios de Navidad, calendarios de adviento y muchas más cosas...

Mientras preparo varias de esas cosas, he aprovechado este sello digital de Alicia Bel que tenía pintado para ponerlo en una tarjeta de Navidad, aunque quería poner de título "todo lo que quiero por Navidad eres tú", al final era muy largo para añadirlo, y un "merry Christmas" ya lo dice todo.

Bearly-Mine, "anything goes".
Creative Craft challenges, "non traditional Christmas".
Kaboodle Doodle, "buttons and twine".
Lexi's Creations, "Christmas".
Paper Playtime, "anything goes".
Pile it On, "non traditional Christmas".
Come and get it, "anything goes + digital stamp".
That Craft Place, "stars".
Totally Gorjuss, "Child's Christmas".
Sister Act card, "anything goes".

12 comentarios:

  1. Aunque no siempre deje comentario siempre veo las tarjetas tan maravillosas que preparas con esos sellitos tan bien pintados....me encantan todas!!!!!

  2. how cute and lovely!

    hugs and kisses from germany,
    silvi (GD this week on lexi's creations challenge)

  3. what a lovely cute christmas card thanks for sharing with lexis creations this week Rachel DT

  4. A lovely card, Cristina... :) Love the papers a lot!
    Have a great day...

  5. That image is adorable, and you've colored her so beautifully! So glad you shared your card at Sister Act this week!

  6. Super cute card Cristina, adorable image!

    Good to see you join us for the CAGI Challenge, hope to you come back soon!
    ¸..• ´¨¨)) -:¦:-¸.•´ .•´¨¨))*((¸¸.•´ ..•´
    Shell in Alaska ~ CAGI DT

  7. Es una chulada!! Se sale de la típica tarjeta navideña. Me encanta como te ha quedado

  8. What a gorgeous image and fabulous design. xx

  9. Your card and image is very cute and your colouring is fantastic. Thank you for joining us at BMD. Good Luck xoxoxox

  10. Your card and image is very cute and your colouring is fantastic. Thank you for joining us at BMD. Good Luck xoxoxox

  11. Super cute image, and adorable card. Thank you for playing along with us this week at BearlyMine Challenges. Good Luck. Jackie DT.

  12. CUTE card!
    Thanks for joining us last week at PIO!
    Have a GREAT day!!
